Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Worst Erotica Ever

OK, I hate to be ornery, and I did already pass along my negative thoughts about Freedom by Jonathan Franzen but something happened around the Christmas dinner table that warrants another post about this badly overrated book.

Its erotic passages have to be some of the worst erotica I've ever read in a mainstream published book. Those passages were quite frankly awful.

How awful? Well, when I was reading the book I read a couple of them aloud to my wife knowing that they would either make her laugh or become disgusted. It worked. Not because of the content, but because of the truly awful writing.

Awful enough that around the Christmas table, my grandparents (almost 90 years old) brought up the book and declared it's erotic passages the worst they had ever read. Let me tell you, it's saying something when the elderly folks are complaining about the sex. Given how conservative they are, it's really something worth noticing if they even mention the word.

I guess I just have to say that I didn't like Freedom. I wouldn't like it no matter what edits it was subjected to, but I do have to say that without the horrid erotica, it would be a better book.

Full Dark, No Stars

People know how much I love to read, so I received three Barnes and Noble gift cards for Christmas from various folks. Wonderful gifts! Actually, I must say that they are wonderful gifts that integrate perfectly with the Nook. Book buying has never been easier.

My first purchase was Full Dark, No Stars by Steven King. This is a collection of four short stories, each of them a quick and enjoyable read. Highly recommended.

I'd write more, but I've got a lot of books to read!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Templar Salvation

I was very excited to read this sequel to The Last Templar, and I was not disappointed by it.

Read The Last Templar, if you enjoy it, you will love The Templar Salvation.

The Crush

The Crush by Carl East is a short erotic story in the younger man, older woman vein. I didn’t particularly enjoy the story, but it is a fast read, and free, so if ‘Mother I’d Like To Fuck’ is your thing, it’s worth a try.