Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dystopian Longings At Kobo

Dystopian Longings is now available at Kobo.

The Blood That Bonds

I've just finished a free e-book, The Blood That Bonds by Christopher Buechler.

I found it to be an extremely good story, fast paced, interesting, and with enough twists to overcome any feeling that vampire stories may be overdone.

Unfortunately however the book was poorly formatted for use on the Nook, and it was in bad need of a close edit to remove typos and misplaced words.

If I were rating the story alone it would clearly rate 5 stars. Unfortunately with the formatting and copy editing problems, I couldn't go any higher than 3.

Hopefully the author is able to correct these problems, and do so before the second book in the series is released. He has a clear winner with just a bit of touch up work.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Early this morning I finished Roma: The Novel Of Ancient Rome by Steven Saylor. It was a large book both in size and scope, yet an enjoyable and engaging read as it quickly covered countless generations of ancient Romans from before the first settlement to the reign of Augustus.

I highly recommend it for those who enjoy historical fiction.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dystopian Longings Distribution

Distribution for Dystopian Longings is slowly growing. It can currently be purchased from:


Barnes & Noble

And via the Stanza app on the iPad & iPhone.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment

This is a fictionalized biography of the Buddha. A fast past and engaging book that provides a very soft overview of Buddhist spirituality without seeming dogmatic.

I enjoyed Buddha by Deepak Chopra, and am looking forward to reading his books Jesus and Muhammad.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Truly Twisted Reading

I've recently enjoyed the book Serial by Blake Crouch, Jack Kilborn, & J.A. Konrath. Greatly enjoyed the book actually. I found it to be shockingly entertaining.

A warning though, I am aware from reading reviews that many people find the book to be overly disturbing. Perhaps tender folks shouldn't read it, or perhaps tender folks should realize that the whole point of horror fiction is to disturb.

There are two versions of the book, one is free, the other reasonably priced. I enjoyed them both, but certainly recommend the longer 'Uncut' version.


Serial Uncut

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Future Of Ebooks?

An interesting article discussing the possible future of ebooks and electronic readers by Joe Konrath:

Journey of the Late Adopter

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Second Coming

I've just finished The Second Coming by David Burton. I had high hopes for this book based upon its reviews and blurbs but was unfortunately disappointed.

The story itself offered a great deal of promise but that was not enough to overcome the book's deficiencies.

The flow of the story was difficult to keep up with, and characters who had been well developed were often dropped without resolution or mention. I found this disconcerting as I moved through the book.

As I mentioned, I did finish the book, but I considered setting it aside.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Overheard Somewhere Online

"Books are like boyfriends, you always love the one you're with now the most."

Monday, September 6, 2010

I Will Be Your Dominatrix

I Will Be Your Dominatrix by Sarah Welcombe. Available from Smashwords.com

A short story about a professional dominatrix who convinces herself that life would be better if she left her exotic profession behind for a more mainstream career.

An interesting twist on the old adage that says the grass may look, but seldom is, greener on the other side of the fence. Of course the career change is not all the dominatrix had hoped and she soon realizes just how good her former profession was.

I enjoyed this story, found the character extremely realistic, and would recommend it for a quick, fun, and easy read.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dystopian Longings: A Collection Of Dreams

I've co-authored a book of flash fiction stories with the incomparable Mistress Milliscent entitled Dystopian Longings, A Collection Of Dreams.  It is comprised of eighteen very short stories focusing on the powerful themes of bdsm, female domination, male submission, enforced chastity, and cuckoldry.

Dystopian Longings is distributed by Smashwords and may be purchased in a wide variety of ebook formats by clicking the link below.

Dystopian Longings: A Collection Of Dreams by Ms. Milliscent & F. Kettleman